The 2018 Beginners Guide to Back End (JSON API) + Front End Development

It’s been a few weeks in the making, but I am happy now to reveal my latest course here on CodeReviewVideos:

The 2018 Beginners Guide to Back End (JSON API) + Front End Development.

This course will cover building a JSON-based API with the following back-end stacks:

  1. ‘raw’ Symfony 4 (PHP)
  2. Symfony 4 with FOSRESTBundle (PHP)
  3. API Platform (PHP)
  4. Koa JS (JavaScript / node)

Behat will be used to test all of these APIs. One Behat project, four different API implementations – in two different languages (PHP and JS).

We’re going to be covering the happy paths of GET , POST , PUT , (optionally) PATCH , and DELETE.

We’ll also be covering the unhappy paths. Error handling and display is just as important.

Where possible we’re going to try and use just one Behat feature file. It’s not always possible – the various implementations don’t always want to behave identically.

There’s a ton of good stuff covered in these videos. But the back end is only half the battle.

Whether you want to “catch them all”, or you’re working with a dedicated front-end dev, it’s definitely useful to know the basics of both.

With that in mind, you can pick and choose whether to implement the back-end, or front-end, or both.

If you don’t want to implement a back-end yourself, cloning any of the projects and getting an environment up and running is made as easy as possible by way of Docker. But you don’t need to use Docker. You can bring-your-own database, and do it that way, too.

The Front End

Whatever back end you decide to spin up, the front end should play nicely.

We’re going to implement a few different front-ends. The two I’m revealing today are:

  1. ‘raw’ JavaScript
  2. React

I have plans for a few others, but each implementation is a fair amount of work and I don’t want to over promise at this stage. There’s definitely at least two more coming, but let me first get these two on the site 🙂

The raw JavaScript approach aims to show how things were in the ‘bad old days‘. The days before your package manager  would take up ~7gb of your hard disk with its cache  directory.

The benefit of working this way is that there’s really no extra ‘stuff’ to get in the way. We can focus on making requests, and working with responses.

But that said, this is 2018 and the many modern JavaScript libraries and frameworks are fairly awesome. You’ll definitely get a renewed sense of appreciation for how much easier your life is once you’re comfortable using a library like React, after having done things the hard way.

Again, as mentioned we will cover more than just raw JS and React. Currently each implementation is between ten and fifteen videos. Each video takes a couple of hours to write up, and another couple of hours to record on average. I’m going as fast as I can, and will upload and publish as quickly as possible.

You can watch them as they drop right here.

Site Update

Behind the scenes over the past 10 weeks I have been working on integrating CodeReviewVideos with Braintree.

This is to enable support for PayPal.

I tried to create a ticket for everything I could think of ahead of starting development.

And I added a new ticket for any issue I hit during development. I’m not convinced I tracked absolutely everything, but even so I completely underestimated just how much work would be involved in this feature.

Being completely honest, I have never been more envious of Laravel’s Spark offering. For $99 they get Stripe and Braintree integration, and a whole bunch more. Staggering.

There’s a bunch of other new and interesting features in this release.

I’ve taken the opportunity to migrate from Symfony 3 to Symfony 4 for the API. There’s a bunch of new issues that arose during this transition – I hadn’t given it much prior thought, but with the new front controller (public/index.php) totally broke my Behat (app_acceptance.php) setup.

This work is also enabling the next major feature which I will start work on, once PayPal is live. More on that in my next update.

I appreciate that from the outside looking in, there doesn’t seem to have been a great deal of activity on the site over the last few weeks. I can assure you that behind the scenes, there has never been more activity.

Have A Great Weekend

Ok, that’s about it from me for the moment.

As ever, have a great weekend, and happy coding.

p. s. – I would be extremely grateful if you could help me spread the word by clicking here to tweet about the new course.

How I am using Docker with Symfony, nginx, and MySQL

Behind the scenes this week I have been continuing my work on the next major iteration of the CodeReviewVideos website.

I’ve split the site into two parts:

  • A Symfony 3 powered JSON API for the back-end.
  • React / Redux / Redux Saga for the front-end

It’s a stack that I really enjoy working with, and is all stuff I’ve covered here on the site before.

Progress has gone fairly well this week. As a developer I always expect to be further ahead than I actually am. Partly this is impatience, and partly because I am still not so good at estimating 🙂

By next week’s newsletter I am hoping to be able to share access to the “beta” (for want of a better word) with existing site subscribers.

Become An Instructor

I really want to make CodeReviewVideos as useful to you as possible.

There are likely dozens of topics you’d like to see covered that either I have not yet had chance to record videos for, or do not have any experience in.

Topics like Angular 2/4, Vue, WordPress, Magento… all the things that we as developers have to work with in our real-world, day-to-day jobs.

If you have ever wanted to start recording screencasts / tutorials then this may well be the perfect opportunity to do so, and earn some extra recurring income in the process.

If you’d like to know more then please send an email to

Video Update

This week saw three new videos added to the site.

#1. How to add a Flash Message on Successful, or Failed Login

I got asked this question:

how can I “$this->addFlash” for login? Because now its working only with registration. How can I make it work with login? Check if signing in was successful/not successful?

There is a solution built into Symfony’s security bundle (think: Login form configuration) to make this fairly easy to accomplish.

There is just one small problem: lack of documentation / example.

I’m hoping to correct that with this video. Before going too much further, you may be wondering:

What are Flash Messages?

Flash messages in Symfony are simply one time messages – notifications, by another name – that are stored in the session and are removed as soon as they have been shown once.

If still unsure, I have a video called the Beginners Guide to Symfony Flash Messages. It’s free to watch.

Symfony 3.3 comes with some improvements to the way Flash messages work.

We cover how to add a Flash Message using the success_handler and failure_handler services. The tricky part is that these two services must behave a certain way, and this video covers one approach to this problem.

I’m always open to answering questions like this, so if you have any that you feel would be best answered by video then do please send them in.

#2.  [Demo] – Docker with Symfony, nginx, and MySQL


It’s popular.

It’s good for the CV.

It’s also complicated.

In this video we take a look at a Dockerised environment in which the latest version of Symfony 3, an nginx webserver, and a MySQL database can be “spun-up” in next to no time.

The idea here is to take a look at what’s possible, rather than me saying: Hey, this is all you need to know.

I’ve planned out the Docker series and it’s going to be a few shorter series that can be watched independently, or all together.

There are a bunch of topics in Docker that you can initially skip over. Only as and when you have a need for either a more complex setup, or want to satisfy your curiosity do you need to delve any deeper.

This is good, in my opinion, as Docker itself is both broad and deep, and if we covered all the fundamentals upfront then you may be sound asleep by the end of the first few videos.

Because seeing code is fun, here’s the docker-compose.yml file that this video covers:

# docker-compose.yml

version: '2'


        image: mysql:5.7.17
          - ./.env
          - "./volumes/mysql/dev:/var/lib/mysql"
              - mysql

        image: codereviewvideos/
          - "81:80"
        restart: always
          - "./volumes/nginx/logs:/var/log/nginx/"
            - php
              - nginx

        image: codereviewvideos/
        restart: always
          - ./.env
          - "./volumes/php/app/cache:/var/www/dev/app/cache/:rw"
          - "./volumes/php/app/logs:/var/www/dev/app/logs/:rw"
          - "./volumes/.composer:/var/www/.composer"
          - "./app:/var/www/dev"
              - php

    driver: bridge

You can watch the video here, and then hit the Repo over on GitHub.

We will cover everything in this repo piece by piece, building more than just a Symfony stack in the process.

#3. Linux Permissions 101

Oh my, this sounds dull.

Yes, I hear you.

There are parts of Development that sound sexy and fun (e.g. Docker, the latest JS framework, real-time mobile apps, etc), and then there are the dry and boring sounding topics that unfortunately, you really need to know.

I realise permissions aren’t much fun.

That’s why I have compressed the essential knowledge down into a 4 minute long video.

If you have ever seen something like this:

➜  ~ ls -la Development/docker/nginx

total 24
drwxrwxr-x  4 www-data www-data 4096 Apr  3 19:43 .
drwxrwxr-x 74 chris    chris    4096 Aug 17 20:15 ..
drwxrwxr-x  2 www-data www-data 4096 Apr  3 19:37 conf.d
-rwxrwxr-x  1 www-data www-data  137 Apr 18 20:51 Dockerfile
-rwxrwxr-x  1 www-data www-data   13 Apr  3 19:42 .dockerignore
drwxrwxr-x  8 www-data www-data 4096 Aug 19 12:05 .git

And you have wondered just what the heck most of this means then this video will see you right.

To work with Docker it is essential you understand just a small amount of this output. Most every problem I have had with Docker has been related to permissions. Trust me on this, if you want to use Docker then you need to know this stuff.

And the good news is that it’s really not that bad. And it’s useful beyond working with Docker too. Win win!

Until next week, have a great weekend, and happy coding.
