Java Guest Book Example [Beginner Spring Boot] – Saving To Postgres

In this post, we’re continuing with our Spring Boot guestbook example, but this time we’ll be adding persistence by integrating a PostgreSQL database. While the overall process is fairly straightforward and well-documented, there were a few things that caught me off guard along the way. One challenge I faced was integrating Spring Data repositories with … Read more

My Experience Technical Blogging With Whisper AI

In this post, I’m going to explore the options available for someone who wants to use their computer primarily by voice. The reason for this exploration is that, last Thursday (at the time of ‘writing’), I had the misfortune of falling off my bike and breaking my collarbone. This is the first time in my … Read more

Java Guest Book Example [Beginner Spring Boot] – Thymeleaf Views

In this blog post, I will continue building on the Spring Boot guestbook example by taking it a step further and integrating Thymeleaf templates. The goal is to have Thymeleaf views coexist alongside the REST endpoints, allowing users to interact with the guestbook either through a traditional Spring MVC interface or via RESTful API calls. … Read more