As part of my post on Kotlin Task Scheduling I had a piece of code that used Kotlin’s timerTask
function that I wanted to dive deeper into, but that wasn’t the best place to do so. So, this post is going to cover that off.
Here’s the code for reference:
.schedule(timerTask {
println("Hello from StdLib Timer: ${Date.from(}")
}, 0L, 5000L)
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
And to quickly recap at a very high level:
creates a new instance of the Timer class, which is used to schedule tasks to be executed at a later time..schedule()
is a method on the Timer class that schedules a task to be executed after a certain delay and at a certain interval.timerTask { ... }
creates a new instance of aTimerTask
, which is the code that will be executed by theTimer
.println("Hello from StdLib Timer: ${Date.from(}")
is the code that will be executed by the TimerTask. In this case, it simply prints a message to the console that includes the current date and time.0L
is the initial delay before theTimerTask
is executed for the first time. In this case, the delay is zero, meaning theTimerTask
will be executed immediately.5000L
is the interval at which theTimerTask
will be executed repeatedly. In this case, the interval is 5000 milliseconds, or 5 seconds. This means that theTimerTask
will be executed every 5 seconds until it is cancelled.
OK, so code covered.
But the most interesting and unusual aspect, as far as I am concerned, is where timerTask { ... }
comes from. How is it named? The syntax is unusual. It looks intuitive at a glance, but when I give it more time I’m left with more questions than answers.
And that’s the purpose of this post. Diving into how that works.
Why do we need an instance of TimerTask?
For the moment, let’s not concern ourselves with where timerTask
comes from inside the .schedule(...)

What is implicitly important about the .schedule
call here is that it requires a TimerTask
as its first argument.
The exclamation mark there means this argument is mandatory.
Where do these four possible variations come from?
They come from the Timer
class that we instantiated on line 1 in the code sample at the very start of this post.
You can see them all on GitHub, or by clicking the method name in IntelliJ like I do for the screenshot a little further below.
public void schedule(TimerTask task, long delay) { ...
public void schedule(TimerTask task, Date time) { ...
public void schedule(TimerTask task, long delay, long period) { ...
public void schedule(TimerTask task, Date firstTime, long period) { ...
Code language: Java (java)
Coming from languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, or PHP that do not allow method overloading, this may look a bit unusual. Four methods that all have the same method name, how is that possible?
Well, so long as the function arguments are different, Java is able to figure out which variation of the function you wanted to call. Pretty neat. And something that once you’ve had access too, you will miss in languages that don’t have it.
Basically it solves the problem of coming up with different function names for the same concept.
Anyway, that’s not hugely relevant to us here. Just interesting in and of itself.
The method we will use is the third one:

So somehow, we need timerTask { ... }
to return an instance of TimerTask
How does `timerTask { }` create a new instance of TimerTask?
There’s a heck of a lot happening here.
timerTask { ... },
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
But the initial aha moment, for me, was that timerTask
is just a function.
This is far more obvious if you use a more verbose variation of the syntax:
println("Hello from StdLib Timer: ${Date.from(}")
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
IntelliJ and Kotlin best practice do not approve of this approach, however:

Kotlin’s trailing lambda syntax allows us to omit the parentheses ((
and )
) if the last (or only) parameter of our function is a function.
For me, this was one of those concepts I’d read about in the docs and in books, but when I saw it for the first time in “real code”, it confused me.
Exploring Trailing Lambdas
We can write our own version of a trailing lambda that is far more basic, and it should make the concept a little clearer.
But in order to see the benefit of using trailing lambas, let’s go through the other variations of ‘solving’ this problem, starting with the more verbose and aiming to become more terse or concise.
package org.example
fun ourCustomExample(functionWePassInAsAnArgument: () -> Unit) {
println("before the passed in function is called")
println("after the passed in function is called")
fun theFunctionWePassIn() {
println("our passed in function")
fun main() {
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
This is the longest form of writing this that I can think of.
First we define a function called ourCustomExample
that takes in another function as an argument.
Any function that takes in a function as an argument, returns a function as output, or both, is a higher order function.
In this specific case, the argument function must take no input parameters and return no output. We provide a type for the exact ‘shape’ of the function we allow:
() -> Unit
This tells the Kotlin compiler that we expect to be given a function that takes no arguments – the empty parentheses – and return nothing, which in Kotlin is described as Unit
The implementation for ourCustomExample
is simple enough:
- It prints the message “before the passed in function is called”.
- It calls the function passed in as an argument using the syntax
. - It prints the message “after the passed in function is called”.
Next, we define theFunctionWePassIn
which is pretty self explanatory.
And finally in the main
function we have:
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
Again, slightly odd syntax if new to Kotlin.
Function Reference Syntax (::
You may be wondering why we need the ::
, and that’s a good question.
What happens if we don’t use that syntax?

Somewhat confusingly, as least superficially, is that if we actually do what we are being told – we invoke the function – the compiler is still not happy:

The issue remains, even though we called the function on line 18.
Why is that?
Remember that we explicitly said that the argument ourCustomExample
should receive is a function of type () -> Unit
fun ourCustomExample(functionWePassInAsAnArgument: () -> Unit) {
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
If we explicitly invoke theFunctionWePassIn
and pass in the result, the result is not a function. It is the outcome of that function. And there is no meaningful return value from that function.
Which in Kotlin we can express as the type of Unit
As a side note there is another similar, but different type called Nothing
, which we can use to indicate the rarer case where a function will never return normally:
fun throwException() : Nothing {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Some invalid argument")
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
So it does make sense.
We could actually re-write theFunctionWePassIn
to satisfy the compiler though:
fun theFunctionWePassIn(): () -> Unit {
return fun() { println("our passed in function") }
fun main() {
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
And that works because now theFunctionWePassIn
returns an anonymous function that, when called, will do our println
. A function that returns a function… hey, another higher order function.
But that’s quite verbose, isn’t it?
Well, yes. We could make it shorter using an expression body:
fun theFunctionWePassIn(): () -> Unit {
return fun() = println("our passed in function")
fun main() {
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
Still works, same output:
before the passed in function is called
our passed in function
after the passed in function is called
Process finished with exit code 0
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
Even so, it’s not what we originally wanted.
How can we get back to the original requirement?
fun theFunctionWePassIn() {
println("our passed in function")
fun main() {
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
What we want to do here is to pass the function itself, not the result of calling the function. We want ourCustomExample
to handle calling that function, whenever it needs too.
The ::
syntax allows us to get a reference to the function.
A function reference is a way to refer to a function in Kotlin without invoking it. It allows you to pass a function as an argument to another function or to store a reference to a function in a variable.
And that sounds like another useful part of our definition of higher order functions.
fun theFunctionWePassIn() {
println("our passed in function")
fun main() {
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
Awesome. Still works. Looks neat. Problem solved.
Well… yes. From a certain point of view, and depending on your requirements, we could call it done at this point.
But equally we could keep refactoring and see how this code could be improved and more closely follow the typical conventions, best practices, and language features that are found in Kotlin.
Storing The Function In A Variable
Closely related to the function reference approach, but solving the problem using a different perspective, we could store our function inside a variable, and then pass that variable to ourCustomExample
val theFunctionWePassIn = fun() {
println("our passed in function")
fun main() {
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
It’s almost subtly different. But different it is.
Now we have a variable named theFunctionWePassIn
that contains an anonymous function. This feels more JavaScript-y to me.
I would potentially opt for this approach if the function was going to be small, simple, and used once.
I would opt for the function reference syntax over storing the function in a variable in all other cases.
Personally I find the named function approach to be more easy to think about. But your mileage may vary, of course.
Using A Lambda Expression
We don’t actually need to explicitly define the function we will pass in as its own construct.
We don’t need fun theFunctionWePassIn() { ... }
and we don’t need val theFunctionWePassIn = fun() { ... }
We can do away with these entirely, and simply pass the function literal to the ourCustomExample
fun main() {
ourCustomExample({ println("our passed in function") })
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
However, if we write the lambda in this way, IntelliJ is going to prompt us to refactor the code:

Note that this still works. It is still valid code. It is simply not idiomatic Kotlin.
We’re almost at the trailing lambda syntax here.
Remember, our function – our lambda – is the only (and therefore last) argument that ourCustomExample
takes, so it is possible that it can be a trailing lambda.
We can improve this, however. And before we do what IntelliJ suggests, let’s see the intermediate step.
Using Trailing Lambda Syntax (With Parens!)
The next step from the previous code example is to switch from a lambda expression to a trailing lambda.
We’ve seen some subtle differences already, and this one is another subtlety:
fun main() {
ourCustomExample() { println("our passed in function") }
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
The difference here is that because the lambda is the last (only!) argument to ourCustomExample
, it can (and has) been moved outside of the parentheses.
To the uninitiated, this would likely read as though it is the method body of ourCustomExample
. That’s how this used to read to me, when I first started dabbling with Kotlin.
But at this point, me and you know better, don’t we?
Yes, we do.
However, there’s still an improvement to be made here. And it might not be immediately obvious, at a glance, what that is. IntelliJ’s syntax highlighting does make it more obvious, sort of:

Can you see it?
Let me give you a pointer if not.
It’s the greyed out parentheses after ourCustomExample

Which does take us to the final way to write out this function.
Using Trailing Lambda Syntax (Without Parens!)
And so, after all that, here we are:
fun main() {
ourCustomExample { println("our passed in function") }
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
Hopefully that makes a lot more sense now.
It’s a strange mix of writing less code to achieve the same goal, which to Kotlin developers makes intuitive sense. But to Kotlin newbies, it is harder to understand and looks … weird, right?
So you have to go slow before you can go fast.
Back To Timer Task
After that detour through trailing lambdas, let’s recap the original code snippet that started this all off:
.schedule(timerTask {
println("Hello from StdLib Timer: ${Date.from(}")
}, 0L, 5000L)
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
And if we cut out the noise:
timerTask { ... },
Then what we can see, or even just deduce at this point, is that timerTask
is a function that takes one argument. That argument is a function, and therefore that function can be written as a trailing lambda:

Note that I got to this timerTask
function definition the same way you get to any function definition inside a JetBrains IDE – by ctrl + left clicking the function name.
And wow, isn’t there a ton more to cover here?
So many new things.
Why Twice Inlined?
There are many questions I have when I look at this function definition. But if we start from the annotation on line 145, we see:
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
And then immediately after on line 146 we see:
public <strong>inline</strong> fun timerTask
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
The emphasis is mine.
Why would we ever need an annotation and the inline modifier on the function? Surely if we have the function modifier itself, that should be enough?
This was something that wasn’t particularly easy to understand even after a Google.
The best I found was this Stack Overflow post:

Which doesn’t directly answer the question I had.
Instead I went to Chat GPT for this one:
annotation is used in addition to thepublic inline
modifier to enforce the inlining behavior of the function.The
public inline
modifier specifies that the function should be inlined at the call site. Inlining means that the compiler replaces the function call with the actual body of the function, eliminating the overhead of a function call.However, the
modifier alone does not guarantee that the function will always be inlined. There are certain cases where the compiler may choose not to inline the function, such as when the function is too large or when it is called from a context where inlining is not allowed.The
annotation is used to enforce the inlining behavior. It tells the compiler that the function should always be inlined, regardless of its size or context. This annotation is usually used for internal compiler purposes, and it is not intended for regular usage in application code.By combining the
Chat GPT: why is the annotation @kotlin.internal.InlineOnly needed when the function is already public inline ?public inline
modifier with the@kotlin.internal.InlineOnly
annotation, the code explicitly instructs the compiler to inline the function and ensures that it is always inlined, regardless of any other factors that might prevent inlining.
I like that, as it also explains why we might use inline
in the first place.
What about crossinline
Another new one on me.
Fortunately the official Kotlin docs provide an answer on this.
And as best I can figure out, it is all about controlling the flow of execution when using higher order functions. Quite an interesting concept, and likely one that this solves quite neatly. But also not a problem that I can ever think I have directly encountered.
Here’s the best example I can come up with to explain the use case of crossinline
In our earlier example code we had the following:
fun ourCustomExample(functionWePassInAsAnArgument: () -> Unit) {
println("before the passed in function is called")
println("after the passed in function is called")
fun main() {
ourCustomExample { println("our passed in function") }
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
All is fine here.
We execute this code and see the following:
before the passed in function is called
our passed in function
after the passed in function is called
Process finished with exit code 0
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
Now, let’s say that in some cases, we want to return early from the lambda.
In those cases it would be required that we see:
before the passed in function is called
our passed in function
Process finished with exit code 0
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
Which is to say that we should never see after the passed in function is called
How can we do that?

We cannot just whack in a return
Why not?
Because Kotlin is deliberately stopping us from accidentally returning too early. I think.
We can use the return@ourCustomExample
to return in the lambda, but not impact the calling function in any way.
fun main() {
ourCustomExample {
println("our passed in function");
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
That works, but it doesn’t stop the output of the “after” message. That doesn’t meet our requirements, but it does satisfy the compiler.
What we can do is mark the ourCustomExample
function as being inline
inline fun ourCustomExample(functionWePassInAsAnArgument: () -> Unit) {
println("before the passed in function is called")
println("after the passed in function is called")
fun main() {
ourCustomExample {
println("our passed in function");
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
And that code now does do what we want:
before the passed in function is called
our passed in function
Process finished with exit code 0
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
Which is great.
But what if we definitely didn’t ever want that to happen?
Which is to say that what if we gave control over to some random caller of our code, and we absolutely definitely always wanted to run println("after the passed in function is called")
, regardless of what they did in their lambda?
That seems to be the point of crossinline
We get to control the result, without us having to write that code.

Which is to say that we get all the benefits of being able to inline our code, whilst retaining control of the call site potentially misbehaving.
Again – I think!
That’s my best present understanding of why and when I might want to use crossinline
If I am wrong, please do shout up in the comments below.
Anyway, back to the timerTask
Lambda With Receiver
If we focus now briefly on the code:
action: TimerTask.() -> Unit
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
I say briefly as I feel lambda with receiver is complex enough to necessitate its own separate blog post. I will come on to that at some point in the future.
As best I understand it, a lambda with receiver is a special type of lambda that is ‘tied’ to a specific object. By using a lambda with receiver we can access the functions and properties of the object from the lambda by using the this
So here, when we provide a lambda as our action
, inside that lambda the this
keyword will refer to the instance of TimerTask
And as we have already covered, the type of () -> Unit
means this action
function will take no parameters and return Unit
, or no return value.
Function Return Type
A fairly easy one next, made more complex than it needs to be by the short hand function expression syntax in use.
public inline fun timerTask(crossinline action: TimerTask.() -> Unit): TimerTask
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
If we strip away the noise, we can see that at the very end we have :TimerTask
fun timerTask(...): TimerTask
Which states that this function returns a TimerTask
Function Expression
Because the timerTask
function is a short hand function, or a function expression, we next have the expression itself.
Again, let’s cut out the noise and show only the function expression code:
fun timerTask() = object : TimerTask() {
override fun run() = action()
Code language: Kotlin (kotlin)
The peculiarity to this syntax is that it’s a function expression with what appears to be a method body.
However, what we have here is an anonymous object
that inherits from TimerTask
is called, using the standard TimerTask()
syntax, and its constructor is therefore invoked.
The curious part is that the block – the ‘stuff’ between the brackets – is the definition of the anonymous object.
And this definition overrides the run
function from TimerTask
and specifies that the action
lambda should be called instead.
Wrapping Up
That is a heck of a lot of functionality encompassed in four lines of code.
I’m still not absolutely convinced I’ve fully understood it yet, either.
Pretty wild.
But also incredibly powerful, no?
I think that’s why I’m enjoying Kotlin so much. It has opened up a whole new bunch of doors to me, beyond what I have learned about in PHP, then JavaScript, then TypeScript.
It’s like C# in its scope and complexity, but with all the goodies of Java under the hood.
Fascinating, honestly.
I’m definitely going to do a follow up to this about lambda with receiver, as that is yet another Pandora’s box of intrigue for me. Hopefully you found something of interest in this post, and if I have made any mistakes do please leave a comment and correct me.