There’s a couple of issues I have hit on today as I was working through an Ionic nav menu that I wish I knew about earlier.
The good news is, both can be demonstrated in the same code sample.
Let’s see the code first, then go through what it’s doing:
<ion-side-menu side="left" expose-aside-when="large">
<header class="bar bar-header bar-calm">
<h1 class="title">Menu</h1>
<ion-content class="has-header">
<ion-item ng-repeat="dayName in days"
ui-sref="{day:'{{ dayName }}'})"
ng-class="isToday(dayName) ? 'item-stable' : ''">
{{ dayName }}
Upper Class
The first is that when using the ion-item
it’s possible to use the Ionic predefined CSS styles to give your navigation / list items a bit of colour.
The available options are the same that are available for everything else, just prefixed with item
- item-light
- item-stable
- item-positive
- item-assertive
- item-balanced
- item-energized
- item-royal
- item-dark
If you’re unsure about what any of them look like, this is a good example.
Notice, this goes on the ion-item
definition, and although I have used ng-class
in the example, this can be swapped out for the standard css style class
Standard CSS example:
<ion-item class="item-stable">list item text here</ion-item>
More dynamic method using ng-class
and the ternary operator to do an inline or shorthand if / else.
<ion-item ng-class="yourFunction(yourProperty) ? 'item-stable' : 'item-light'">
{{ yourProperty }}
Ionic Losing My History
I’m going to cut right to the chase on this one – if you are finding your ‘back’ operations get all screwed up when using a side menu, then search your project for instances of nav-clear
and remove with extreme prejudice.
No doubt this is wanted in some circumstances, but it cost me at least an hour of head scratching today – not helped by the Ionic forums being offline for some reason.
It turns out this nav-clear
attribute deletes history, in my case, whenever a user clicks on a different menu option. Not at all what I wanted.
The documentation for this is good, but it’s seemingly hidden. I could only find it with a well thought out (read: after a million attempts) Google, but frustratingly it is all there if you know what to search for.
It just doesn’t show up on the menu anywhere as far as I can see.
Always Open Sidebar (On iPad or Similar)
Even though I said I would do two tips, this third one is worth mentioning. This one didn’t actually cost me any time – it was found whilst Googling for the other problems above.
Anyway, it’s too good not to share.
If you have a side menu and you think it would be a good thing if it was always open, should the device have enough screen space (e.g. on an iPad or similar), then stick in the following:
And so long as your device width is >768px it will always show the sidebar.
This one is right there in the documentation, but I thought it was awesome and worth sharing.