Code Review Videos > Java

Generate & Verify JWTs with JJWT

In the past few posts, we’ve been exploring Spring Security with the long-term objective of setting up a user management system that mirrors common money-making setups often used in SaaS applications. The goal is to configure Spring Boot / Spring Security to handle a hierarchy of roles: This structure is one I’ve found commonly requested … Read more

Java Guest Book Example [Beginner Spring Boot] – Saving To Postgres

In this post, we’re continuing with our Spring Boot guestbook example, but this time we’ll be adding persistence by integrating a PostgreSQL database. While the overall process is fairly straightforward and well-documented, there were a few things that caught me off guard along the way. One challenge I faced was integrating Spring Data repositories with … Read more

Java Guest Book Example [Beginner Spring Boot] – Thymeleaf Views

In this blog post, I will continue building on the Spring Boot guestbook example by taking it a step further and integrating Thymeleaf templates. The goal is to have Thymeleaf views coexist alongside the REST endpoints, allowing users to interact with the guestbook either through a traditional Spring MVC interface or via RESTful API calls. … Read more

How To Run Only Tagged Tests in jUnit

Recently I’ve started on the Java track over at Exercism. As practically a complete beginner to Java, I am still finding my way around the tooling, and in particular, IntelliJ IDE. As part of the Annalyn’s Infiltration exercise I was provided with 30 failing jUnit tests, where each of the tests is tagged like so: … Read more