No One Likes Errors [API Platform]

At this point we have a nice, working API Platform implementation for our Album resources. We can GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE. But we have largely only tested the "happy path".

Back in the real world, most of the hard work in software development goes into ensuring we either entirely avoid, or defensively mitigate against the "unhappy path". Those pesky situations whereby an API consumer does something untoward, or unwanted. I won't say unexpected, as it's our job to try and plan for the moments of madness that end users seemingly enjoy exploring.

We have some existing "edge case" tests that we can start from.

Here's one:

  Scenario: Must have a track count of one or greater
    Given the request body is:
        "title": "My album title",
        "track_count": 0,
        "release_date": "2030-12-05T01:02:03+00:00"
    When I request "/album" using HTTP POST
    Then the response code is 400
    And the response body contains JSON:
        "status": "error",
        "errors": {
            "children": {
                "title": [],
                "release_date": [],
                "track_count": {
                    "errors": [
                        "This value should be greater than 0."

It's almost inevitable at this point that our API Platform implementation is not going to behave identically to this. The entire process of serializing errors is different to our previous implementations.

Let's send this in manually and see what we do get:

    "@context": "/contexts/ConstraintViolationList",
    "@type": "ConstraintViolationList",
    "hydra:title": "An error occurred",
    "hydra:description": "trackCount: This value should be greater than 0.",
    "violations": [
            "propertyPath": "trackCount",
            "message": "This value should be greater than 0."

This is really nice.

It's not at all what our Behat test expects. But it is the same behaviour. Only the presentation is different.

There's no simple way to munge our test suite to make this generic. We're going to need new tests.

Here's the revised test suite for error checking with JSON-LD:

Feature: Provide insight into how the API Platform behaves on the unhappy path

  In order to eliminate bad Album data
  As a JSON API developer
  I need to ensure Album data meets expected criteria

    Given there are Albums with the following details:
      | title                              | track_count | release_date              |
      | some fake album name               | 12          | 2020-01-08T00:00:00+00:00 |
      | another great album                | 9           | 2019-01-07T23:22:21+00:00 |
      | now that's what I call Album vol 2 | 23          | 2018-02-06T11:10:09+00:00 |

  Scenario: Must have a non-blank title
    Given the request body is:
        "title": "",
        "track_count": 7,
        "release_date": "2030-12-05T01:02:03+00:00"
    When I request "/album" using HTTP POST
    Then the response code is 400
    And the response body contains JSON:
        "@context": "/contexts/ConstraintViolationList",
        "@type": "ConstraintViolationList",
        "hydra:title": "An error occurred",
        "hydra:description": "title: This value should not be blank.",
        "violations": [
                "propertyPath": "title",
                "message": "This value should not be blank."

  Scenario: Must have a track count of one or greater
    Given the request body is:
        "title": "My album title",
        "track_count": 0,
        "release_date": "2030-12-05T01:02:03+00:00"
    When I request "/album" using HTTP POST
    Then the response code is 400
    And the response body contains JSON:
        "@context": "/contexts/ConstraintViolationList",
        "@type": "ConstraintViolationList",
        "hydra:title": "An error occurred",
        "hydra:description": "trackCount: This value should be greater than 0.",
        "violations": [
                "propertyPath": "trackCount",
                "message": "This value should be greater than 0."

  Scenario: Must have a track count of one or greater
    Given the request body is:
        "title": "My album title",
        "track_count": -5,
        "release_date": "2030-12-05T01:02:03+00:00"
    When I request "/album" using HTTP POST
    Then the response code is 400
    And the response body contains JSON:
        "@context": "/contexts/ConstraintViolationList",
        "@type": "ConstraintViolationList",
        "hydra:title": "An error occurred",
        "hydra:description": "trackCount: This value should be greater than 0.",
        "violations": [
                "propertyPath": "trackCount",
                "message": "This value should be greater than 0."

  Scenario: Album ID must be numeric
    Given I request "/album/a" using HTTP GET
    Then the response code is 404

  Scenario: Album ID must be positive
    Given I request "/album/-99" using HTTP GET
    Then the response code is 404

Honestly I'd love to say there's some ultra slick way of coming up with these tests.

There isn't.

You simply have to try to imagine the numerous ways your API consumers might (read: will) screw up, and then document this in your test suite.

My approach is very unscientific. I simply use Postman to send in manual requests, and take a copy of the response. This becomes my test.

Yes, this means you need a working API in order to write your tests. No, this is not true TDD. But then, this isn't TDD - this is a loose form of Behaviour Driven Development.

Anyway, the outcome is what's important (imo). We document and test our system. The system behaves as we expect.

However you look at it, the nice thing is: we're done. That's our API Platform implementation complete.


# Title Duration
1 What will our JSON API actually do? 08:46
2 What needs to be in our Database for our Tests to work? 12:32
3 Cleaning up after each Test Run 02:40
4 Docker makes for Easy Databases 09:01
5 Healthcheck [Raw Symfony 4] 07:53
6 Send in JSON data using POST [Raw Symfony 4] 05:33
7 Keep your data nice and tidy using Symfony's Form [Raw Symfony 4] 10:48
8 Validating incoming JSON [Raw Symfony 4] 08:26
9 Nicer error messages [Raw Symfony 4] 06:23
10 GET'ting data from our Symfony 4 API [Raw Symfony 4] 08:11
11 GET'ting a collection of Albums [Raw Symfony 4] 01:50
12 Update existing Albums with PUT [Raw Symfony 4] 05:00
13 Upsetting Purists with PATCH [Raw Symfony 4] 02:39
14 Hitting DELETE [Raw Symfony 4] 02:11
15 How to open your API to the outside world with CORS [Raw Symfony 4] 07:48
16 Getting Setup with Symfony 4 and FOSRESTBundle [FOSRESTBundle] 09:11
17 Healthcheck [FOSRESTBundle] 06:14
18 Handling POST requests [FOSRESTBundle] 08:31
19 Saving POST data to the database [FOSRESTBundle] 09:44
20 Work with XML, or JSON, or Both [FOSRESTBundle] 04:31
21 Going far, then Too Far with the ViewResponseListener [FOSRESTBundle] 03:19
22 GET'ting data from your Symfony 4 API [FOSRESTBundle] 05:58
23 GET'ting a Collection of data from your Symfony 4 API [FOSRESTBundle] 01:27
24 Updating with PUT [FOSRESTBundle] 02:58
25 Partially Updating with PATCH [FOSRESTBundle] 02:15
26 DELETE'ing Albums [FOSRESTBundle] 01:27
27 Handling Errors [FOSRESTBundle] 08:58
28 Introducing the API Platform [API Platform] 08:19
29 The Entry Point [API Platform] 04:30
30 The Context [API Platform] 05:52
31 Healthcheck - Custom Endpoint [API Platform] 05:17
32 Starting with POST [API Platform] 07:08
33 Creating Entities with the Schema Generator [API Platform] 07:38
34 Defining A Custom POST Route [API Platform] 07:31
35 Finishing POST [API Platform] 06:29
36 GET'ting One Resource [API Platform] 02:50
37 GET'ting Multiple Resources [API Platform] 02:59
38 PUT to Update Existing Data [API Platform] 02:19
39 DELETE to Remove Data [API Platform] 01:15
40 No One Likes Errors [API Platform] 03:28